Retired at 22???
Well lets face it, here I am 22 golfing every day, living in a motor home, staying in RV parks occationally and now IM into shuffle board!!! It would appear that without the mention of my age I am definitely retired!!! Well I've found this not to be the case but let me explain why: I woke up this morning at around 9:30 there, see, already way to late to be an old retired man as they are up at something like 5:30 or so. So then once IM up I decide I am going to take part in the $3 Wednesday pancake breakfast with all of the old folks, also a very retired person move, until I arrived and realized it was over at nine "why surely nobody could possibly want pancakes after nine, we've all been up for four hours at least, its almost lunchtime!!" one of the retires chuckled upon my arrival. So I skipped breakfast and headed for the "fitness room" What a joke that was, there was more square footage taken up by the massive bookshelves than any fitness equipment, clearly no intense exercise taking place in this community. Well eventually the dead man walking on the lone treadmill was finished with his strenuous 1mph 440 yard dash HAHA and I was ready to do my exercise. I always start out warming up at 4.5 mph walking to loosen the muscles and get my blood moving to my legs, it was a bad sign however when the machine started making awful sounds at this pace as if it were going to stop all together. Next after my warm-up I increase the speed to around 7mph which I sustain for about 15 minutes. Oh boy was that an adventure! I began to run at that speed and shortly after it sounded like a machine shop with metal crashing, gears grinding and a consistent THUD THUD THUD with every stride I took. Only a few seconds had passed before I started seeing curious eyes rounding the corner trying to see what was happening. I managed to finish my workout however I must have had 20 seniors come in to check on me LOL. It sure felt great to get some good exercise in, I need to stick to a normal routine... By the way I included some intense action photos of my first ever shuffle board match where Joe and I asked these old folks if they wanted to play us, stating that it was the first time we had ever played, they agreed and sounded pretty sure that they would teach us a thing or to, but we proceeded to demolish them two games in a row. They were good sports about it though and I could tell thoroughly enjoyed that we spent the time to play with them. I very much enjoy the time spent with the older generation as they just love to tell stories and are so excited when younger people give them the time of day, it seems to be a win-win situation. Its also neat that by the end of our stays we seem to be giving our names out to more and more people who hear our story and seem very interested in following us throughout our career. Thanks for taking the time to read my long babbling posts and remember I LOVE getting comments from everyone so keep them coming, also note that if you tried earlier to comment but had to sign up I changed it so anyone can, just leave your name or something please!!
So, I'm sitting here in the DA office, bored out of my mind, reading about "positive mental health", and thinking about how incredibly jealous I am that you are living in a retirement community, sleeping in and playing shuffleboard. You're living my dream life. I hate you.
By the way, your arms look fabulous in the shuffleboard pictures. And I don't really hate you :)
Dang Steve, who knew there were such hotties around the RV parks. And its also good to know your working on your shuffle boarding skills. Always good to know you'll have something to fall back on.
P.S. Moog looks like a stud rockin the Saturn.
steve steve steve you are a funny guy looks like u are a pro shuffle boarder with that outfit. next you should pick up curling. well hope u havent broken anything else in the rv like at my house. hope everything is going well
Glad to know that you put a pic of the topless guy on your blog too. Matt and I thought he was wearing a peach t-shirt at first!
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