News on latest qualifier
Well I don't know what I am doing out on the course lately but I just cant seem to play the way I need to right now! I am still working on many parts of my game that are good but not "world class" yet and it seems to be showing. My progress has still been steady, and every time I tee it up in these tournaments I get more and more confident in my ability as a player. I know I belong here and these guys have nothing I don't... In fact I have a lot that they will never have and that's what keeps me coming back. I know I belong with and can play with the best in the world, it will just take some time before it happens round after round, but I'm in this for the long haul and won't give up! Again sorry for taking so long to post I have been away from internet access for almost a week and will try to post now more often so bare with me and keep checking regularly. Also just so you know our next event is in auburn Alabama where I will Monday qualify for the fourth event of the year with my chin up and my game well on its way to superstar level!
Way to keep your head in it bro. Can't wait to hear about all the success your sure to have in the very near future. You'd be proud of how the patio looks right now, Mike and I planted some nice stuff and its coming in really nicely. We figured you wouldn't have it any other way. Also, I got a comment from a friend on all the golf paintings we have hanging around. Made me laugh..... mark of a true "Charity-tournament-golfer" right? My game is missin out on you being here, I'm sure whenever you come back you'll have a field day fixing all the bad habits I'm sure to have picked up by then. Anyway, hope your still eating healthy, not too many buffalo wings and jars of apple sauce.
Keep your head down, you Divot-Diva you!
Peace and love,
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