Rain Rain Go Away!!!!!
Wow welcome to Illinois in may I guess!!! I got back in town and played a practice round on Wednesday with weather just perfect for golf when all of the sudden it took a severe turn for the worse... Since about 8pm Wednesday evening it has been raining non-stop, temperatures in the low forties with winds of 20-50mph. In all honesty I have ventured out of the motorhome three times in the last 48 hours for no more than 30 minutes at a time! The first round has been postponed twice now and hopefully tomorrow (Saturday) we can get under way, if not the tournament will be canceled and hi ho hi ho its off to Indiana we go!!! Keep checking the NGA hooters tour web site (I have a link to it on the main page) for my scores and/or to see if the tournament even takes place, also think warm thoughts for me as the over night temps are at a record low!!! Wow it gets cold in a motor home :)
I love you steve.
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